
Increase your self-esteem by understanding the difference betweeen anxiety and fear (1 minute read)

This post “Increase your self-esteem by understanding the difference betweeen anxiety and fear” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by understanding your feelings.


Increase your self-esteem by understanding the difference betweeen anxiety and fear:

This post is about the difference between fear and anxiety.

Some think that fear and anxiety are versions of the same state/phenomena.

But many disagree since fear usually is aimed at a specific stimulus, such as a spider, or a situation, such as the fear of being abandoned. But they are interrelated and overlap partially. For example, fear is a component aimed at a specific topic in many of the anxiety disorders.

Although many of the sensations when experiencing anxiety or fear overlap, anxiety is not a feeling but symptoms.

Anxiety are patterns of physiological arousal in the body that many can relate to. These patterns are diagnostic in different anxiety disorders. Fear often leads to strong reactions – the fight/flight or freeze mode discussed in earlier posts. We can get anxious when thinking about a fearful situation.

See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at https://jennyrappbefree.com 


More information:

If you have any questions you can write a comment  or e-mail me at jennyrapp@jennyrapp.com

Find more free inspiration on how to increase your self-esteem under the heading here https://www.jennyrapp.com/self-esteem/ at https://www.jennyrapp.com/


Courses in personal development at https://www.jennyrappbefree.com/ 

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Increase your self-esteem by understanding the difference betweeen anxiety and fear
Increase your self-esteem by understanding the difference betweeen anxiety and fear

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