
Increase your self-esteem by understanding the dangers with compensation (1 minute read)

This post“Increase your self-esteem by understanding the dangers with compensation” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by managing your thoughts and feelings.

There are several mature defense mechanisms that are helpful strategies for:

– Managing unwanted impulses and anxiety

– Resolving underlying issues or problems

– Getting a more peaceful mind and relationships


Increase your self-esteem by understanding the dangers with compensation:

This post continues with the defense mechanism compensation.

Compensation is when balancing a perceived weakness by emphasizing strengths in other areas.

Compensation can be less helpful and effective when done in an unconscious and exaggerated way.

Not noticing own hidden feelings of inadequacy can lead to excesses in other areas of life. For example, extensive bragging or efforts to help others can be used to hide own insecurities and low self-esteem.

There are two other related dimensions:

Overcompensation is when the compensatory strife becomes disproportionately strong.

Undercompensation is when becoming overly dependent on others, almost giving up or avoiding developing a specific area.

See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at https://jennyrappbefree.com 


More information  

If you have any questions you can write a comment  or e-mail me at jennyrapp@jennyrapp.com

Find more free inspiration on how to increase your self-esteem under the heading here https://www.jennyrapp.com/self-esteem/ at https://www.jennyrapp.com/


Courses in personal development at https://www.jennyrappbefree.com/ 

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Increase your self-esteem by understanding the dangers with compensation
Increase your self-esteem by understanding the dangers with compensation

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