Increase your self-esteem by understanding how you cope with strong feelings and anxiety (1 minte read)
This post “Increase your self-esteem by understanding how you cope with strong feelings and anxiety” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by managing your thoughts and feelings.
Increase your self-esteem by understanding how you cope with strong feelings and anxiety:
Defense mechanisms are often called involuntary coping mechanisms. Involuntary means that we all use them automatically and mainly unconsciously.
Defense mechanisms entail behaviors that appear weird. But in reality, defense mechanisms mirror the brain’s effort to cope with and adapt to sudden changes in our environment.
They are responses to perceived danger or conflict evoked by unexpected events.
They buffer strong and ‘unacceptable’ feelings and thoughts triggered by important persons in our lives.
Defense mechanisms obscure or diminish the response to stressful environments. If not lowered, the response could give rise to among other things depression, anxiety and impulsive behavior.
Research shows that our choice of defensive styles makes a major contribution to individual differences.
The task of the defenses is to buffer sudden change and mental conflict. Defense mechanisms can alter our view and the relationships among:
-The self
-The other person
More about how you can increase your self-esteem in the next post. See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
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HSP: Handle feelings, thoughts & behaviours

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