Increase your self-esteem by being more assertive (1 minute read)
Here the post “Increase your self-esteem by being more assertive” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by managing your thoughts and feelings.
Increase your self-esteem by being more assertive:
This post continues with the mature defense mechanism assertiveness.
As mentioned in the last post, assertiveness is expressing one’s needs, feelings and thoughts in a respectful, direct and firm way.
Assertiveness falls in between on a continuum of communication that can range from passive to aggressive.
Passive communication signals good listening but is less commonly used for expressing own needs and desires.
Aggressive communication is associated with leadership and less with empathetically listening to the ideas and needs of others.
Assertiveness can be beneficial when used as a deliberate communication strategy. It can be a balance in between passive and aggressive communication when speaking up for oneself, respectfully sharíng opinions or needs as well as being able to listen.
Hence, when used deliberately it can be an effective communication skill.
See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
More information:
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