Life goals

Important Dimensions To Achieve Goals

It is important to give yourself a reward for each achieved interim goal and a big reward when the big goal is achieved. Often we forget to celebrate and acknowledge what we have achieved, especially if we have not yet completed every single dimension as we had imagined.
Instead, we are often far too though on ourselves and push ourselves forward in an often unreasonable pace, hardly stopping to reflect on what we have achieved and where we are.
But given the fact that research has shown that changing habits usually takes at least 3 weeks of regular and conscious practice or a minimum of thousands of attempts when learning a new skill, we could benefit from both being more realistic and kinder to ourselves. Changes do not happen by themselves – we are, after all, run by habits, which is an energy conserving and hence usually effective strategy to use.
Hence, to be successful with achieving our goals we need:
– The SMART-goal process, i.e. goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and have a Timeline, see earlier posts
– Daily Reminders discussed in earlier posts
– Recurrent weekly and monthly reflection time to evaluate progress and make adjustments accordingly
– Celebration/gratitude for current situation and achieved interim goals
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