Reflections: More Happiness Research
Happiness research can according to be summarized in 10 points. Here are the first 5 of those:
1. Having a proactive life which includes continuously setting positive goals and tasks. Proactive people are 15% more satisfied with their lives than more passive people.
2. Having an active life with regular physical activity keeps both the body healthy and the spirit happy. Daily walks raise the level of happiness 12%. According to David Niven are people who stay fit via sports healthier, more positive and more successful.
3. People who are doing good for the world by regularly doing good things for others are 24% happier than those who only live for themselves.
4. Rest and Relaxation: The central point of a healthy and happy life is to find your personal balance between rest and activity and to get enough sleep. Here the stress scales and tiredness scales introduced under stress at can be useful. Research shows that relaxed people think more positively and are happier. Every hour of missed sleep lowers the possible positivity during the day.
5. Positive Thinking: According to this source, those who think positively double their chances to experience happiness.
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