Better self-esteem: Step 4: Identify the obstacles to your goals (1 minute read)
Better self-esteem: Step 4: Identify the obstacles to your goals (1 minute read)
This post “Better self-esteem: Step 4: Identify the obstacles to your goals” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by achieving your goals and improve your life.
Step 1 is about rating your life satisfaction and your aspirations in 10 important life areas.
Step 2 is about selecting your 2-3 prioritized develoment areas.
Step 3 is about identifying the related desired qualities and expectations, including how you would behave if you lived your desired life.
Better self-esteem: Step 4: Identify the obstacles to your goals
Step 4 is about identifying the specific obstacles that stand between your current life and your desired future life.
It could be:
-a too stressed life puzzle
-a too intense work-situation with unforeseen peaks in workload
-a boss or a relative who keeps chasing you with too frequent messages and calls any time of the day
-a perfectionistic view of what a house looks like during a busy week
-or you might have developed a disease or injury that hinders you to live the life you want.
More about the steps in the next posts.
For more on how to increase your self-esteem, see the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
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