Feelings | Healthy Routines | Self-esteem | Stress

Increase your self-esteem by standing up against the inner critic (1 minute read)

This post “Increase your self-esteem by standing up against the inner critic” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by listening to your feelings and heal self-destructive shame.


Increase your self-esteem by standing up against the inner critic:

One way of reducing self-critical shame is to become more self-compassionate.

Last post was about the inner critical voice that is a part of shame. You can become more self-compassionate by talking back to this critical voice when you hear it:

The critic says:

“how stupid of me!”

“Can’t you do anything right?”

“Are you for real?”


You can answer:

“Everybody makes mistakes. You did your best”

“I do many things right, but sometimes things go wrong. I will learn from it”

“I will talk as respectfully an encouraging to myself as I talk to others when they do something that they are not proud of”

“I am a kind and helpful person with good intentions”

If the critic then questions these statements – just insist, repeat them and add:

Regardless of how much you inner critic is trying to exaggerate and put me down, I will try to remain kind and loving to myself.”

More about how to overcome exaggerated shame in upcoming posts.

See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at https://jennyrappbefree.com 


More information:

If you have any questions you can write a comment or e-mail me at jennyrapp@jennyrapp.com

Find more free inspiration on how to increase your self-esteem under the heading here https://www.jennyrapp.com/self-esteem/ at https://www.jennyrapp.com/


Courses in personal development at https://www.jennyrappbefree.com/ 

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Increase your self-esteem by standing up against the inner critic
Increase your self-esteem by standing up against the inner critic

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