Increase your self-esteem by using humor to manage tough situations (1 minute read)
This post “Increase your self-esteem by using humor to manage tough situations” continues with how you can increase your self-esteem by managing your thoughts and feelings.
Increase your self-esteem by using humor to manage tough situations:
Humor is a mature defense mechanism pointing out the funny or ironic aspects of a situation. Another common example is the ability not to take oneself too seriously.
Freud wrote “…humor is a means of obtaining pleasure in spite of the distressing affects that interfere with it; it acts as a substitute…”
Using humor to overcome a stressful, anxiety-provoking situation can be an adaptive defense mechanism. That is helping us to take in, accept and adapt to a challenging situation.
Humor helps us to cope with tense or stressful situations.
Looking for an amusing dimension in a situation in which we lack control can help us to endure it. Humor can also be altruistic when helping others to better cope as well.
More about how you can increase your self-esteem in the next post. See also the free blog or the course How to develop self-esteem and boost your confidence at
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